I'm a little bit of a geek - I have to be the first person to get new things when they come out. I always want to buy and try new gadgets.
- Tom Felton
Someone who I would describe as a 'geek' or 'nerd' is a person who loves something to its greatest extent and then look for other people who love it the same way so they can celebrate loving it together.
- Wil Wheaton
No longer is a geek identifiable by a pale complexion, black-rimmed glasses, a bowling shirt that says 'Nerd World Order'. No, geeks are everywhere. And they're cool!
- Faith Salie
Portpholio Rajesh Caden
Computer Science Student at Ramanujan College of DU.
I'm a passionate learner who's always willing to learn and work across technologies and domains. I'm currently into Web Development and working on my Data Structures and Algorithms. Apart from that I also love to guide and mentor newbies.
C++, Javascript, Python, HTML5, CSS3,
Nodejs, Express, Reactjs, MongoDB, MySQL,
Git, Github, VSCode, Mozilla DevTools, Linux
You can find me everywhere, @iamPortpholioCaden
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Projects I have done
Kindly visit My Github Profile for My Projects: iamPortpholioCaden
My Portfolio
Created my personal/portfolio website using technologies like HTML5, CSS3, BOOTSTRAP v4.3 and JavaScript.